Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 3 and 4

Day 3/4
Blogger! Why?! You deleted my blog and my day one blog… now I must start all over! This is not cool at all. I’m giving you one more day to return the posts and blog and then I’m done with you.

I am now alone in OK! My dad left for Denver this afternoon and now it is just me. Work on Monday and a roommate on Wednesday. It’ll be a quite weekend. I bought John Adams the HBO series, to keep me company. Bring it John! We shall be buddies. My other plans including working out and reading a book for fun and reading a book for work (RA work).
Quite life indeed. I think I’m going to relax from all the running around all week and try to figure out this city stuff. I resent the amount of time it take to drive anywhere, and how I have to be watchful. I would love to go play outside but it’s cold. No fun in the sun today, which is a shame with those two pools so close.

-          Meet some people! This may have to wait to be in full force until Monday when I have work, but I’m a social creature, time alone is relaxing but not my ideal state for sure.
-          Get into a workout routine.
-          Drive around and not get lost too much.
-          Get a library card.
-          Bond with John Adams.
-          Write some letters/journaling in my friends journals.
-          Be 150% ready for work on Monday morning.
-          Keep the place super clean for roommates to arrive!
Things to celebrate:
-          Finding my way back from the airport
-          Actually blogging!
-          Writing in the Journal
-          Starting my book for work (My Freshman Year by Rebekah Nathan (pen name), about a 50 year old anthropology professor who goes back to school as a freshmen undercover) It’s actually really interesting so far, nice job bosses!
-          My friend’s back home’s accomplishments (I know some brilliant people!)

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