Since my last blog was about one of my favorite things -- the beauitful outdoors! (which exists EVEN in Oklahoma) its time to talk about something way different -- shopping!
I've never been a huge shopper or quite the anti-shopper. We'll say I lie somewhere in between. Mainly I'm not too huge on spending money. But that went out the window a little bit this last week.
I bought my new suit! I have some pretty big deal presentations coming up soon, which meant I finally had to cave and buy a new business suit. I was not too stoked to have to buy one and had a short time frame, but after two hours I found one I really liked :) Just in time because I had a big VP lunch the next day.
*Drum Roll Please*
This is my "Ah! I'm wearing a suit face" Note the hand to indicate that I am fancy.
In other purchase news I also bought a new Garmin, which I bet I will still be able to get lost with, but it sure helped me a ton this weekend as I ran around Dallas. I doubt I would have had the slightest chance of getting to Turner Falls without it. I hope me and my Garmin GPS will have many lovely adventures together. I'm a little worried that I will lose all navigation ability because I will depend on it though and I vow to try to know where I'm at despite its existence. I feel like getting lost is good for your brain and using real maps keeps you sharp! So we'll see if I can find a kind of balance :)
Anyway, now that I've spend several hundred dollars the last week (gosh even typing that doesn't feel good) who wants to go to taco bell and go thrifting? :)
SUPER CUTE! Very you too, especially with the pose :). I think it is hilarious you are consious of getting too used to your Garmin, but that is good that you are aware!
Love you so much and I get to see you soon!
:D Your comments always make me happy! I can't wait to see you soon! WITH YOUR PUPPY!!!
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