These people are obsessed with weather reports, which makes since in all honesty, but at this point unless I'm in danger I am super over hearing about it. Same drama everyday, I've parked my car miles away at work and I'm waiting at my apartment for any actual weather. I'm going to leave my car overnight and catch a ride with some friends in the complex because the news people have been freaking me out all day.
Water reports interrupt whatever is on every 10 minutes to give us scary updates that have no actual visible weather.
It makes since that the basketball team is called the Thunder, but I feel like these people are weather spastic!
On a potentially related note today OK City was rated the unhealthiest city in the United States. I'm actually pretty surprised, I think it's probably just my work being super fitness oriented, but I feel like people here are decently fit. Oh well, I'm here now OK -- watch-out! I'm a cardio master! Did some Jillian Micheals core-work tonight, oh yeah!!! (said like the koolaid man, because I really do not feel that much fitter than the koolaid man)
On a quick summary of my epic day yesterday that I could talk about for ages as I think it was my favorite day in OK yet:
I went out with the family of a friend in Gunnison. They own property in the OK country side, which is beautiful, I could not get over how nice it was. So green, so many trees. They own 80 acres with 4 or 5 little ponds and it was simply gorgeous. They were nice enough to take me out on their boat on Lake Arbuckle (BEAUTFUL! I've seen very few lakes that gorgeous) and let me tour their property on ATVs, so much fun. It was exactly the kind of place I dream about owning someday and I can only image how much fun it was to grow up as a kid there.
I need to sleep though, as long as I am not swept up my a tornado that is. These people make it seem like I may be carried away at any moment. I'm expecting a Twister moment. Not to mention the fact that there are chimes on our neighbors apartment here, when they chimed my roommate joked they reminded her of Twister before the storm hit, now that's all it reminds me of lol. I was thinking about renting the Twister movies, but decided I'd rather be able to sleep the next few weeks.
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