In my research this morning about how to combine my majors and my view points (a battle I often come upon and rarely come to any strong conclusion on) I discovered this video:
Which definitely helps me go through my views on energy advocacy and what fuel options I would support now (pretty much all of them!) I need to see Haynesville, the movie, my company is one of the drillers mentioned and I think it would help me figure out more of my feelings toward the natural gas industry.
This is my blog detailing my thrilling summer move from Gunnison, CO to Oklahoma City, OK for a summer internship.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day 18 - Where did all my environmentalists go?
I don't go half a day without someone asking me where I am from and I love telling people I'm from Colorado -- because it's awesome! People have the most random assumptions about CO (some true and some not so true) but there are a lot of things that I take for advantage.
Things I took advantage of in CO:
#1 Other people like the planet just as much as I do.
- there is so much litter here! I went for a run this morning and was worried I was going to get glass in my shoes
- no recycling at my apartment (this makes me super sad, I will have to find a place to take my recycling)
- very conservative views all around, which means no one to share one of my passions with, kinda frustrating
- less time outside marveling at how beautiful it is with other people
#2 People are fit
- OKC was recently nominated most unhealthy city, which I find it a little hard to believe (mainly because I see people active all the time while being active myself) but I have to assume there must be unfit people hiding inside or something
- its hard to want to go get exercise outside because it is super hot out!
- No sidewalks to bike or run on near where I live. weird.
#3 The weather is ... not humid or ridiculously hot.
- In Colorado you can play outside! Well at least in the mornings and evening, and cool nights mean you can wear sweaters! (i love sweaters!). Here I am a little afraid of heat stroke.
- OK's tornados...
Things people assume about Colorado:
- we're all hippies (I probably don't help that sterotype all that much, but we have plenty of business folks)
- we're all potheads (I've never smoked pot, so this helps my CO's cause, but if you seen all the medical marijuana stores it is definitely different than here)
- I ski epically (well, I do snowboard, somewhat epically)
I love how people always talk about Crested Butte though, it seems like people almost always know where it is and love visiting it. Anyone who has been to Gunnison talks about how beautiful it is! It is refreshing and I love talking about it :) There must be a ton of Oklahomans who visit the slopes and I just didn't notice before.
I think I need to find an outlet here for my green views and some volunteering, maybe at least some great books to keep me thinking. <- an option, but the group doesn't seem very active. Apparently there is also an environmental studies intern working for my company, I need to find her and figure out what her job is!
I'll figure it out sometime soon! For now I'll have read me some National Geographic :)

(btw this picture is from a short and interesting article about environmentalism as a religion which should/could be protected in the workplace with protection of their beliefs. interesting concept)
Things I took advantage of in CO:
#1 Other people like the planet just as much as I do.
- there is so much litter here! I went for a run this morning and was worried I was going to get glass in my shoes
- no recycling at my apartment (this makes me super sad, I will have to find a place to take my recycling)
- very conservative views all around, which means no one to share one of my passions with, kinda frustrating
- less time outside marveling at how beautiful it is with other people
#2 People are fit
- OKC was recently nominated most unhealthy city, which I find it a little hard to believe (mainly because I see people active all the time while being active myself) but I have to assume there must be unfit people hiding inside or something
- its hard to want to go get exercise outside because it is super hot out!
- No sidewalks to bike or run on near where I live. weird.
#3 The weather is ... not humid or ridiculously hot.
- In Colorado you can play outside! Well at least in the mornings and evening, and cool nights mean you can wear sweaters! (i love sweaters!). Here I am a little afraid of heat stroke.
- OK's tornados...
Things people assume about Colorado:
- we're all hippies (I probably don't help that sterotype all that much, but we have plenty of business folks)
- we're all potheads (I've never smoked pot, so this helps my CO's cause, but if you seen all the medical marijuana stores it is definitely different than here)
- I ski epically (well, I do snowboard, somewhat epically)
I love how people always talk about Crested Butte though, it seems like people almost always know where it is and love visiting it. Anyone who has been to Gunnison talks about how beautiful it is! It is refreshing and I love talking about it :) There must be a ton of Oklahomans who visit the slopes and I just didn't notice before.
I think I need to find an outlet here for my green views and some volunteering, maybe at least some great books to keep me thinking. <- an option, but the group doesn't seem very active. Apparently there is also an environmental studies intern working for my company, I need to find her and figure out what her job is!
I'll figure it out sometime soon! For now I'll have read me some National Geographic :)
(btw this picture is from a short and interesting article about environmentalism as a religion which should/could be protected in the workplace with protection of their beliefs. interesting concept)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Day 16
Finished my first professional training class ever today -- "Exceptional Presentation Skills"
It was... not particularly exceptional, but definitely useful seeming and I felt like i got something out of it.
I was with about 10 other employees from the most random departments. We had an accountant, a fitness instructor, a safety expert, and me, the intern. They all talked a ton about their family. I was the only one without kids or pregnant. Strange indeed. But they were nice and some of them really seemed to improve a ton over the last two days. It was refreshing to see! And I saw some interesting presentations (why to focus on strengthening muscles to burn more calories, why we need new mapping software, why hedging is actually a good thing, trips for driving backwards... etc.)
I am excited to go back to normal internship though, I miss feeling helpful and like I'm helping my department by accomplishing things aside from my own development. So tomorrow should be awesome possum! And I accomplished some of my goals!
- I have lunch plans tomorrow (with my home college interns but its a start)
- I cooked (my roommate has noted that everything I cook involves corn or cheese. I feel so healthy lol)
- I've worked out the last 4 days and I played some volleyball, which makes me super happy!
- I've met a ton of interns recently
I also attended a concert today at work, which was super cool and a little different. Everyone got out of work an hour early to watch a live band. Apparently this happens every two weeks, cool?
I miss home more than usual today though, it reminds me of my second week at western freshmen year. Where it finally clicks that I have to met so many new people to click with because I don't have my favorite people remotely near :( There is always June though, it looks like I'll be headed to denver for a weekend before a work week in WY!!!!
It was... not particularly exceptional, but definitely useful seeming and I felt like i got something out of it.
I was with about 10 other employees from the most random departments. We had an accountant, a fitness instructor, a safety expert, and me, the intern. They all talked a ton about their family. I was the only one without kids or pregnant. Strange indeed. But they were nice and some of them really seemed to improve a ton over the last two days. It was refreshing to see! And I saw some interesting presentations (why to focus on strengthening muscles to burn more calories, why we need new mapping software, why hedging is actually a good thing, trips for driving backwards... etc.)
I am excited to go back to normal internship though, I miss feeling helpful and like I'm helping my department by accomplishing things aside from my own development. So tomorrow should be awesome possum! And I accomplished some of my goals!
- I have lunch plans tomorrow (with my home college interns but its a start)
- I cooked (my roommate has noted that everything I cook involves corn or cheese. I feel so healthy lol)
- I've worked out the last 4 days and I played some volleyball, which makes me super happy!
- I've met a ton of interns recently
I also attended a concert today at work, which was super cool and a little different. Everyone got out of work an hour early to watch a live band. Apparently this happens every two weeks, cool?
I miss home more than usual today though, it reminds me of my second week at western freshmen year. Where it finally clicks that I have to met so many new people to click with because I don't have my favorite people remotely near :( There is always June though, it looks like I'll be headed to denver for a weekend before a work week in WY!!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 14 - Hiding in a basement, wanting to go shopping
So sick of the weather (and I like rainy days), that I don't want to talk about the fact that I've been hiding in a basement all evening listening to sirens. My boss is super nice and let us hang out in his basement with his family. That's the only thing I'm going to share about that experience, I just don't want to remember that my car is still in the work garage so I can avoid hail (because its not over yet!).

I want to focus more of my time here so here are some things I'd like to do more of:
- Cook! (I only have a kitchen for the summer)
I'm been enjoying making new recipes of mac'n'cheese, and I'm feeling waffles and cookies in the near future.
- More workout classes (I have them free at work)
- More exploring (I've been pretty good about this though)
- Take more risks meeting people, very few interns know people, so maybe I'll try to arrange a lunch with the group of us rather than us all going home or out on our own.
Things to celebrate:
- My first workout class at work! It was a restorative yoga class, and I've never done restorative yoga, so I guess that was a first too. It was more of a relaxation activity than a workout, but I enjoyed it a ton! Just me and the teacher, it was a late class so most people had to go back to work. I was on a machine for a while and was, of all things, watching the Food Network. It made me hungry. Counter-productive.
- Having a nice boss
- Employment
- Surviving my first tornados
- Having access to a car tomorrow and better weather
--> Shopping!
I went to a 3D movie on Friday and as I walked out I put the glasses into the recycling bin. I was trying to find my sunglasses but all I could find were 3D glasses. I recycled my good sunglasses. Brilliant.
I want to focus more of my time here so here are some things I'd like to do more of:
- Cook! (I only have a kitchen for the summer)
I'm been enjoying making new recipes of mac'n'cheese, and I'm feeling waffles and cookies in the near future.
- More workout classes (I have them free at work)
- More exploring (I've been pretty good about this though)
- Take more risks meeting people, very few interns know people, so maybe I'll try to arrange a lunch with the group of us rather than us all going home or out on our own.
Things to celebrate:
- My first workout class at work! It was a restorative yoga class, and I've never done restorative yoga, so I guess that was a first too. It was more of a relaxation activity than a workout, but I enjoyed it a ton! Just me and the teacher, it was a late class so most people had to go back to work. I was on a machine for a while and was, of all things, watching the Food Network. It made me hungry. Counter-productive.
- Having a nice boss
- Employment
- Surviving my first tornados
- Having access to a car tomorrow and better weather
--> Shopping!
I went to a 3D movie on Friday and as I walked out I put the glasses into the recycling bin. I was trying to find my sunglasses but all I could find were 3D glasses. I recycled my good sunglasses. Brilliant.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 13
Oh today would be the 13th day I'm here! Tip-toeing storms all day!
These people are obsessed with weather reports, which makes since in all honesty, but at this point unless I'm in danger I am super over hearing about it. Same drama everyday, I've parked my car miles away at work and I'm waiting at my apartment for any actual weather. I'm going to leave my car overnight and catch a ride with some friends in the complex because the news people have been freaking me out all day.
Water reports interrupt whatever is on every 10 minutes to give us scary updates that have no actual visible weather.
It makes since that the basketball team is called the Thunder, but I feel like these people are weather spastic!
On a potentially related note today OK City was rated the unhealthiest city in the United States. I'm actually pretty surprised, I think it's probably just my work being super fitness oriented, but I feel like people here are decently fit. Oh well, I'm here now OK -- watch-out! I'm a cardio master! Did some Jillian Micheals core-work tonight, oh yeah!!! (said like the koolaid man, because I really do not feel that much fitter than the koolaid man)
On a quick summary of my epic day yesterday that I could talk about for ages as I think it was my favorite day in OK yet:
I went out with the family of a friend in Gunnison. They own property in the OK country side, which is beautiful, I could not get over how nice it was. So green, so many trees. They own 80 acres with 4 or 5 little ponds and it was simply gorgeous. They were nice enough to take me out on their boat on Lake Arbuckle (BEAUTFUL! I've seen very few lakes that gorgeous) and let me tour their property on ATVs, so much fun. It was exactly the kind of place I dream about owning someday and I can only image how much fun it was to grow up as a kid there.

I need to sleep though, as long as I am not swept up my a tornado that is. These people make it seem like I may be carried away at any moment. I'm expecting a Twister moment. Not to mention the fact that there are chimes on our neighbors apartment here, when they chimed my roommate joked they reminded her of Twister before the storm hit, now that's all it reminds me of lol. I was thinking about renting the Twister movies, but decided I'd rather be able to sleep the next few weeks.
These people are obsessed with weather reports, which makes since in all honesty, but at this point unless I'm in danger I am super over hearing about it. Same drama everyday, I've parked my car miles away at work and I'm waiting at my apartment for any actual weather. I'm going to leave my car overnight and catch a ride with some friends in the complex because the news people have been freaking me out all day.
Water reports interrupt whatever is on every 10 minutes to give us scary updates that have no actual visible weather.
It makes since that the basketball team is called the Thunder, but I feel like these people are weather spastic!
On a potentially related note today OK City was rated the unhealthiest city in the United States. I'm actually pretty surprised, I think it's probably just my work being super fitness oriented, but I feel like people here are decently fit. Oh well, I'm here now OK -- watch-out! I'm a cardio master! Did some Jillian Micheals core-work tonight, oh yeah!!! (said like the koolaid man, because I really do not feel that much fitter than the koolaid man)
On a quick summary of my epic day yesterday that I could talk about for ages as I think it was my favorite day in OK yet:
I went out with the family of a friend in Gunnison. They own property in the OK country side, which is beautiful, I could not get over how nice it was. So green, so many trees. They own 80 acres with 4 or 5 little ponds and it was simply gorgeous. They were nice enough to take me out on their boat on Lake Arbuckle (BEAUTFUL! I've seen very few lakes that gorgeous) and let me tour their property on ATVs, so much fun. It was exactly the kind of place I dream about owning someday and I can only image how much fun it was to grow up as a kid there.
I need to sleep though, as long as I am not swept up my a tornado that is. These people make it seem like I may be carried away at any moment. I'm expecting a Twister moment. Not to mention the fact that there are chimes on our neighbors apartment here, when they chimed my roommate joked they reminded her of Twister before the storm hit, now that's all it reminds me of lol. I was thinking about renting the Twister movies, but decided I'd rather be able to sleep the next few weeks.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 11
Went to bricktown today on a whim. What a gorgeous downtown area! They made a faux river front surrounded by buildings.
To get exercise my roommate and I took to downtown to get exercise and be tourists. We parked in bricktown and trekked to the Oklahoma City Memorial. It was a long walk (exactly what I hoped for) and the memorial was quiet and thoughtful. It was a sad introspection to a great day and beautifully designed. I hope to go to the museum in the future, but it was about as much of a downer as I could handle. I also want to go back and see it at night, because the markers light up.
Memorial during day:

At night:

I also went to a pool party, which was a little bit like watching live Jersey Shore, no joke. Some people who live here must have some egos on them, I've never seen so many fit people attempting to faunt themselves and dance awkwardly to music. Not a long lived party for me, but excellent people watching.
Tonight I met some more interns through a friend of my roommate, we watched the Thunder game while at dinner. It was a loss :( but a decent game and they had a decent comeback at the end up overall will be the only thing people here will talk about for the next few days. We played quarters afterward and then everyone but me went out to the bar (being 20 is not cool... so close yet so far). But a great day overall, and I am not much of a night person anyway :).
Glad to finally be meeting more people! It's looking to be a great summer! My only complaint I know I'll be making is the weather. It was 89 today and 30% humidity and I thought I was going to die of heat stroke. It felt way hotter (apparently only to me). Not sure how July is going to go with this attitude. I think I'm going to love the pool at my apartment. A lot.
Now i'm off to sleep. I've revised my plans, I'm going to go Lake chilling tomorrow, my friend from Gunnison invited me on an outing to a Lake to go on a boat and wake boarding. I couldn't say no and she let me bring my roommate, so adventures are still on my agenda! :)
To get exercise my roommate and I took to downtown to get exercise and be tourists. We parked in bricktown and trekked to the Oklahoma City Memorial. It was a long walk (exactly what I hoped for) and the memorial was quiet and thoughtful. It was a sad introspection to a great day and beautifully designed. I hope to go to the museum in the future, but it was about as much of a downer as I could handle. I also want to go back and see it at night, because the markers light up.
Memorial during day:

At night:

I also went to a pool party, which was a little bit like watching live Jersey Shore, no joke. Some people who live here must have some egos on them, I've never seen so many fit people attempting to faunt themselves and dance awkwardly to music. Not a long lived party for me, but excellent people watching.
Tonight I met some more interns through a friend of my roommate, we watched the Thunder game while at dinner. It was a loss :( but a decent game and they had a decent comeback at the end up overall will be the only thing people here will talk about for the next few days. We played quarters afterward and then everyone but me went out to the bar (being 20 is not cool... so close yet so far). But a great day overall, and I am not much of a night person anyway :).
Glad to finally be meeting more people! It's looking to be a great summer! My only complaint I know I'll be making is the weather. It was 89 today and 30% humidity and I thought I was going to die of heat stroke. It felt way hotter (apparently only to me). Not sure how July is going to go with this attitude. I think I'm going to love the pool at my apartment. A lot.
Now i'm off to sleep. I've revised my plans, I'm going to go Lake chilling tomorrow, my friend from Gunnison invited me on an outing to a Lake to go on a boat and wake boarding. I couldn't say no and she let me bring my roommate, so adventures are still on my agenda! :)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day 10
8 hours work days make me love Friday, like 10000000 more times than going to school. Something about the freedom of not being in an office makes everything sounds a lot more exciting than it used to. Plus I have a town to explore.
Weekend plans:
- Pirates tonight! Arggh!
- POPS tomorrow -- largest selection of Soda in the world? and Pool Party
- Zoo Sunday.

What's awesome? My weekend.
So excited. Not that I don't enjoy work, but I also enjoy not being confined.
Plus, the crazy weather stopped!
No more flood advisory or tornado warnings!
Weekend plans:
- Pirates tonight! Arggh!
- POPS tomorrow -- largest selection of Soda in the world? and Pool Party
- Zoo Sunday.
What's awesome? My weekend.
So excited. Not that I don't enjoy work, but I also enjoy not being confined.
Plus, the crazy weather stopped!
No more flood advisory or tornado warnings!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 8
Weird differences between Oklahoma and Colorado as I have noticed so far, mainly pretaining to Mexican restaurants. Of which I have been to three of in the last four days, yes I agree this seems odd, but we've been celebrating birthdays and Western State. They are the only restraunts I've been to in the last week if that helps at all.
Anyway the differences:
In colorado:
Everyone shares one or two baskets of chips and one or two salsas for a group of people
In oklahoma:
Everyone gets there own salsas and there appears to be a max of two people for chip basket.
In colorado:
You order a sopa pia after your meal by them asking. It is usually plain and servered with honey and powdered sugar.
In oklahoma:
No one really mentions them, because a small one is free with each meal usually. It is small served with honey and is covered in white cane sugar and cinnamon.
Clearly, I'm really focused on the important things here. Keeping it real.
I also have a blog on clothes, but that will have to wait, it needs to be edited and toned down. you know how daring clothes commentaries can be....
So much to say and so little time to sleep! Hopefully I'll add to this tomorrow.
Oh and no roommate today :( will have to wait til tomorrow. Oh and the campus fitness center is awesomely over-the-top. I got lost. And it was awesome.
Oh and I had my first Tornado warning today!

Yet the weather was actually pretty sunny and not too windy. Go figure. I really enjoy this scary picture though.
Anyway the differences:
In colorado:
Everyone shares one or two baskets of chips and one or two salsas for a group of people
In oklahoma:
Everyone gets there own salsas and there appears to be a max of two people for chip basket.
In colorado:
You order a sopa pia after your meal by them asking. It is usually plain and servered with honey and powdered sugar.
In oklahoma:
No one really mentions them, because a small one is free with each meal usually. It is small served with honey and is covered in white cane sugar and cinnamon.
Clearly, I'm really focused on the important things here. Keeping it real.
I also have a blog on clothes, but that will have to wait, it needs to be edited and toned down. you know how daring clothes commentaries can be....
So much to say and so little time to sleep! Hopefully I'll add to this tomorrow.
Oh and no roommate today :( will have to wait til tomorrow. Oh and the campus fitness center is awesomely over-the-top. I got lost. And it was awesome.
Oh and I had my first Tornado warning today!
Yet the weather was actually pretty sunny and not too windy. Go figure. I really enjoy this scary picture though.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 7 -- Not quite the real disneyland but certainly not gangland.
To be honest I have no idea if its Day 7 or not (that doesn't really make since as I've been here since only Wednesday night and started this blog Thursday, but I'm not an accouting intern, i'm a land intern, so go figure)
I had my second day of work today! It was awesome once again. I'm definitely learning things and getting a chance to apply a thing or two I learned in my classes last semester. I love it when school applies to the real world. I am a land survey system master! (okay maybe not quite)
I had a lunch with the Western Group (represent CO!) and tomorrow I'm headed out to lunch for a birthday of one of the girls in the office. They are all super friendly.
I have to say the people here have pleasantly surprised me, I'm a little high-strung on my friendly people, meaing I love friendly people and the small town I'm from (which I joke is the real Disneyland, where people are legitly happy rather than fake disneyland happy). I also had this idea of OK as a crime capital (I blame this on the Wikipedia). But am happy to report the area I'm in is rather chipper and feels safe.
Other note worthy things about work:
- I get to use maps! I am a proponent of maps.
- I have a lounge chair rather than a desk chair at my desk, and it is actually really comfortable
- the campus could not be prettier (unfortunately it shows up my college campus)
- I may get to keep the lounge chair and have an office chair in my office!
- friendly work emails
Goals tomorrow:
- Go to the campus fitness center (maybe swim?)
- find a post office and send many things
- meet one of my roommates! (this isn't really a goal i suppose, its just going to happen, but is exciting all the same)
- Buy more food and find a thrift store to purchase golf clubs (i need to replace fly fishing somehow)
- stay focused and accomplish things at work
I had my second day of work today! It was awesome once again. I'm definitely learning things and getting a chance to apply a thing or two I learned in my classes last semester. I love it when school applies to the real world. I am a land survey system master! (okay maybe not quite)
I had a lunch with the Western Group (represent CO!) and tomorrow I'm headed out to lunch for a birthday of one of the girls in the office. They are all super friendly.
I have to say the people here have pleasantly surprised me, I'm a little high-strung on my friendly people, meaing I love friendly people and the small town I'm from (which I joke is the real Disneyland, where people are legitly happy rather than fake disneyland happy). I also had this idea of OK as a crime capital (I blame this on the Wikipedia). But am happy to report the area I'm in is rather chipper and feels safe.
Other note worthy things about work:
- I get to use maps! I am a proponent of maps.
- I have a lounge chair rather than a desk chair at my desk, and it is actually really comfortable
- the campus could not be prettier (unfortunately it shows up my college campus)
- I may get to keep the lounge chair and have an office chair in my office!
- friendly work emails
Goals tomorrow:
- Go to the campus fitness center (maybe swim?)
- find a post office and send many things
- meet one of my roommates! (this isn't really a goal i suppose, its just going to happen, but is exciting all the same)
- Buy more food and find a thrift store to purchase golf clubs (i need to replace fly fishing somehow)
- stay focused and accomplish things at work
Day 5 and 6
Oklahoma City day 4/5
Yesterday I met with a friend of a friend who lives in OKC and went to a dance recital. It was my third one I’ve ever attended and I must say dancing children are simply adorable! It was a religious and family oriented show, which was very different for me, but I enjoyed it for sure. It had a very different feel and style, but my favorite dances were definitely the hip hop ones! Yes, you can in fact Hip Hop to the lord. Interesting indeed.
I then watched my first Oklahoma City Thunder game! Which was surprisingly awesome. Usually I can’t follow sports but the Thunder were great and I got into it despite not being a huge fan. And they won! (as everyone within 300 miles knows, these people are super dedicated to their team!)
I also was introduced to a great Mexican restraint in town. I can’t remember the name :/ but it was wonderful. With salsa and tortillas and sopa pias for free… weird, right? But awesome! And super yummy! Real food… strange concept.
I also had my first day of work today!!!!
It was great. I was super excited to be around people (I don’t do well with quiet) and I was stoked to get my job assignment --which I think I’m going to really enjoy as well. I’m in the Rockies division, meaning I get to work on leases in my home area! Awesome! I’m actually working on leasing in Wyoming, but still, cool stuff! I have my own mentor and office and everything! It is super exciting! I’m a little sad I don’t work with any other interns directly but I really hope to help on the projects a ton and they seem super busy and like they need the help – hopefully I can lighten the load J I also had my first day of work today!!!!
I would tell you more as I’m stoked, but it is past 11:00 here and I have to wake up at 7:00 (I’m a lover of sleep).
Day 3 and 4
Day 3/4
Blogger! Why?! You deleted my blog and my day one blog… now I must start all over! This is not cool at all. I’m giving you one more day to return the posts and blog and then I’m done with you.
I am now alone in OK! My dad left for Denver this afternoon and now it is just me. Work on Monday and a roommate on Wednesday. It’ll be a quite weekend. I bought John Adams the HBO series, to keep me company. Bring it John! We shall be buddies. My other plans including working out and reading a book for fun and reading a book for work (RA work).
Quite life indeed. I think I’m going to relax from all the running around all week and try to figure out this city stuff. I resent the amount of time it take to drive anywhere, and how I have to be watchful. I would love to go play outside but it’s cold. No fun in the sun today, which is a shame with those two pools so close.
- Meet some people! This may have to wait to be in full force until Monday when I have work, but I’m a social creature, time alone is relaxing but not my ideal state for sure.
- Get into a workout routine.
- Drive around and not get lost too much.
- Get a library card.
- Bond with John Adams.
- Write some letters/journaling in my friends journals.
- Be 150% ready for work on Monday morning.
- Keep the place super clean for roommates to arrive!
Things to celebrate:
- Finding my way back from the airport
- Actually blogging!
- Writing in the Journal
- Starting my book for work (My Freshman Year by Rebekah Nathan (pen name), about a 50 year old anthropology professor who goes back to school as a freshmen undercover) It’s actually really interesting so far, nice job bosses!
- My friend’s back home’s accomplishments (I know some brilliant people!)
Day 2
Oklahoma City Day 2
Moved into the new apartment today! It feels a little bit like a hotel, and is way too nice for a student used to living in dorms and moving back into the dorms. I think I will need to simply get past that fact and enjoy it. Can’t wait to use the two pools and fitness centers!
The only sad part is I don’t get roommates until Wednesday! (it’s Friday) Not cool. Living alone has never particularly appealed to me and has been hard as a Residence Life staff member. Even if it’s only a few days, it doesn’t help that I’m in a town where I can count the number of people I know on one hand.
The only sad part is I don’t get roommates until Wednesday! (it’s Friday) Not cool. Living alone has never particularly appealed to me and has been hard as a Residence Life staff member. Even if it’s only a few days, it doesn’t help that I’m in a town where I can count the number of people I know on one hand.
It’ll be fine though, and probably good for me, I need to explore the city a little more anyway.
Although I did manage to accomplish some of this, I think I can even find work! (good as I start work Monday ;))
Although I did manage to accomplish some of this, I think I can even find work! (good as I start work Monday ;))
I do have a classmate from work doing the same internship and living in my complex that I visited last night. His girlfriend and he have a place together, which is nice. Hopefully they don’t mind me visiting the next few days! He also started work Monday and was nice enough to give me some insight into work, he’s in a land intern, but apparently I’m in a different division than him. Talking about it all made me excited for Monday!
This city is definitely more of a city than I’m used it, it’s definitely the closest I’ve never lived to a city downtown (minus downtown Gunnison, sorry Gunnison but you will never be a city – and I like you that way). Having to be in a car to get places is weirding me out. Luckily work is only a 5-minute drive, but other things (target, grocery) are about 15; which sounds like nothing until I remember that it was a 15 minute walk to any store In Gunnison. I’m not a huge fan of car time, so this will be an adjustment.
Dilemma’s from the day:
- realizing I don’t have my necessary work documents (social security car, passport, etc) for Monday, now I’m having them over-nighted. Super inconvenient for my family.
- Moving is way too expensive. Enough said.
- Not getting roommates sooner
Goals for tomorrow:
- Celebrate my dad’s birthday!
- Celebrate my good grades (all A’s!)
- Explore the Lincoln more
- Find fed-exed documents
- Finish moving in
- Continue to get my brain around this town
- Scout for Oklahoma Adventures!
Things I love about my apartment:
- Kitchen! I haven’t had one in 9 months and get this: it has a dish-washer. This is positively thrilling to me.
- Washer and Driver. Within 20 feet walking distance from my room. What?! Now it is no longer a workout to do laundry. (I used to have to walk from the third floor to the basement freshmen year of college and with the amount of laundry I irresponsibly try to do at once, it was a legit workout). Maybe I’ll be more on top of it?
- Queen size bed with a new teal bed-set.
- “Luxury” Furniture. The furniture seems so modern and comfy, once again spoiling a college.
- A porch. Not even sure what to do with it. But it’s cool!
- Roommates. Not that I have them yet, but I like the concept J
What happened to day 1?
Oh blogger! How mean. You deleted my original blog and I had to recreate it. Not cool.
Oh well. But alas, you will never get to know what I wrote about Day 1 in my Oklahoma City adventure. Don't be too disappointed, there is always day 2!
I've been writing my blogs in Word since the random crash deleted my blog, so I suppose I can give you those now!
Summary of day 1:
I drove 11ish hours from Colorado with my dad. We stayed in a Hotel. I bought silly post cards. One with a cowboy riding a prairie dog. Another of an oil rig sunset (fitting for my job). And a final one of a whale (I love whales!) water park off route 66 that I dream of going to someday.
I am intern in Oklahoma City and from Denver/Gunnison Colorado. I've never planned on living in Oklahoma. I've always wanted to study abroad but don't have the time or money. Hence, my adventure is now filling the void and I am in Oklahoma for my "abroad" experience. I want to be the best tourist possible and see all kinds of OK things! It's a city too! Gunnison CO is a super adorable small college town and now I live a short distance from down town. No more fly-fishing or snowboarding, time for golf! Wish me luck and feel free to read... or not read. :)
In my apartment! Planning my outfit for the first day of work!
Oh well. But alas, you will never get to know what I wrote about Day 1 in my Oklahoma City adventure. Don't be too disappointed, there is always day 2!
I've been writing my blogs in Word since the random crash deleted my blog, so I suppose I can give you those now!
Summary of day 1:
I drove 11ish hours from Colorado with my dad. We stayed in a Hotel. I bought silly post cards. One with a cowboy riding a prairie dog. Another of an oil rig sunset (fitting for my job). And a final one of a whale (I love whales!) water park off route 66 that I dream of going to someday.
I am intern in Oklahoma City and from Denver/Gunnison Colorado. I've never planned on living in Oklahoma. I've always wanted to study abroad but don't have the time or money. Hence, my adventure is now filling the void and I am in Oklahoma for my "abroad" experience. I want to be the best tourist possible and see all kinds of OK things! It's a city too! Gunnison CO is a super adorable small college town and now I live a short distance from down town. No more fly-fishing or snowboarding, time for golf! Wish me luck and feel free to read... or not read. :)
In my apartment! Planning my outfit for the first day of work!
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