Sorry about my lack of posting, by this I really mean my lack of mentionable adventures, 40 hours a week of work seems to limit my touristy exploring somehow.
I did venture today though! I headed to Norman, Oklahoma for shopping and visiting the local college OU - home of the sooners. It was a pretty campus, lots of trees and a fountains (!). I feel like my college needs a fountain. Although it might freeze over in the winter.
Norman was a change in scenery, which was nice. It was also a college town, giving it a totally different feel than Oklahoma City. It felt a little more like home, with people on bikes and a main street college area that if you squint reminds me a little of Gunny main street. This might just be my nostalgia talking though.
I've learned a lot recently about other peoples colleges from around the area (primarily the OU, OSU, and a few Texas schools). At work we had a college t-shirt night and represented our respective schools with as much pride as possible. It was hilarious because coming from a small school in a small town in pretty much the middle of no where we had very little in common with the bigger schools. First of all, we don't have a school song. Well at least one that any of us know. I'm a tour guide, I feel like I should know and would know. We also don't have a sport's fan base. It is especially important to note that our small student body does not attend football games in mass (in honesty we hardly attend at all), of the three interns I don't think any of us knew a single cheer about our school. This has never bothered me, I don't think the goal of WSC is to attract the type of student who needs said college experiences with obnoxious spirit, but it was definitely something I'd never thought about. It seems like a really important part of the college experience for students who go to other types of schools though. There is a lot of pride for these people who go to big schools, which is refreshing and also a little overwhelming.
In other noteworthy news -- the bugs here are huge. And they enjoy occupying my bathroom. This is a shout out of thanks for helping me wake up in the morning. Thanks Bugs! You terrify me and cause my heart to race when I find you at early hours in the mornings -- helping me function loads earlier!
They've been huge and beetle-like. Not a fan. At least I've yet to see any giant spiders. The total in my bathroom within the last 3 days is 2. I hope this is not a lasting pattern.
I would love to share some pictures of my week though! I will have to back-track and write a blog about my volunteer experiences with the Miracle League (I helped handicapped people play baseball this week as a volunteer opportunity through work). And I also got to visit from a friend from Gunnison in Yukon, Oklahoma. I have some pictures, I'll have to get on that.

The bugs were not nearly this cute or friendly looking.